Support for the healing journey...
Hey Worthy Ones! Just a quick blog to provide you with a support network I stumbled upon this past week. I am a member of many online...
'Do you think narcissism is on the rise or are we just more aware?
Yes, it seems like narcissistic tendencies are on the rise, but that doesn't mean that every selfish person that crosses your path has...
Gotta Keep Them Happy…?
While I should be working on my page long ‘to do’ list, I am taking a short break to jot down some random thoughts. As I scrolled...
Netflix Original: Lost in Space (2018) - Narcissism in Action...
I just recently finished watching Netflix’s Original: Lost In Space. This is not your parent’s 1965 campy LIS, but a darker, complex and...
Today is Easter, what Christians call Resurrection Day. I no longer consider myself very religious and have redefined what faith means...
Pathological Narcissism......Part 3
In my last blog I shared about a study I recently read that had concluded that there are three distinct subtypes of narcissism –...
Pathological Narcissism Continued...
Are you confused about Narcissism? I know that I am. Much less than I used to be, but when I dig into material, so many definitions...
Splitting - Protecting Yourself While Divorcing Someone with Borderline or Narcissistic Personality
P.R.A.C.T.I.C.A.L.!!!!! Theory is great, mental gymnastics are sometimes fun, however, when it comes to extricating oneself from a toxic...
The Sociopath Next Door: The Ruthless Versus the Rest of Us, Martha Stout
I hate to admit it, but my name is Carol and I’m a book-buying addict. Notice I didn’t say I’m addicted to reading books. While I do my...
Grandiose Narcissist
This blog post feels redundant even before I write it. Is there anything new to be added to the thousands of articles written about the...